Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is a Cleansing Diet a Good Way to Lose Weight?

Ever since the publication of the master cleanse diet a couple of years ago, and people claimed to drop 20 pounds in just 14 days, lots of others have looked at cleansing diets as a way to lose weight fast. But does it really work?

What is cleansing?
Cleansing literally means 'to clean out' and a body cleanse refers to ridding our bodies of unhealthy, built-up toxins. Cleansing removes waste matter that has accumulated in the digestive tract and liver. Although many people in the field of traditional medicine denounce the idea of cleansing, there are plenty of others who swear this as a good way to lose weight.

Will it help you to lose weight?

The big question of course is - will a cleansing diet really cause weight loss? The short answer is yes, it definitely works for many people. This is due to a number of reasons including change of diet, consuming less during the cleansing period, and water loss.

More Cleansing Benefits
Weight loss is not the only benefit of a cleansing diet by any means. When we go through the process of a natural cleanse our bodies will begin to function more efficiently. This in turn helps us to ward off diseases diabetes, cancer and heart disease. We can live more active and longer lives with less chance of contracting a serious illness as we age.

How long will it take?
A weight loss cleanse program can last any where from a few days to a full month. The different time-frames allow you to experience the benefits to varying degrees. You can see results in weight loss and feel more energy after doing a cleanse for just one week.

If you do a thirty day cleanse will be able to make changes to your diet and your lifestyle so you can continue to enjoy a healthier and more active lifestyle. You will be less likely to go back to your previous unhealthy habits that kept you from feeling well.

Where Do I Start?
There are several ways you can do a weight loss cleanse. For some of these you should consult a licensed practitioner. Some typical cleansing methods are:

- hydrotherapy
- herbal cleansing
- liquid-based cleanses like the master cleanse

There are pros and cons to each of these.
Some cleansing programs are more demanding and harder to follow than others. The master cleanse can be difficult, although it works well. I prefer a more gradual cleanse that provides long lasting results. A herbal based approach using natural ingredients works well for many people.

For more information visit the Weight Loss Cleansing page, published by the author. You will find lots of good information on cleansing on this site. Mike is a long-time fitness enthusiast who produces several websites related to health and fitness.

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